
Robert Simpson

Technical Skills
Languages: Proficient in C/C++, familiarity with Lua and Java

Gameplay/AI Programming: A* pathfinding, preference mapping, state machines, flying controls, enemy wave spawning and trigger system

Physics Programming: 2D&3D physics engines, SAT collision detection for OOBB's, spatial hashing for broad phase

Software Experience: Windows XP, Visual Studio 2005/2008, C++ STL, Android SDK, FMOD Ex, Microsoft Office, Tortoise  SVN, 3DStudio Max

Misc: Familiarity with the Unity engine.  Some WinSock, TCP/IP and UDP experience

Other: Have experience working on teams of up to six, with artists and programmers, on year long projects taking on roles such as designer and producer in addition to programming.

Project Experience

Salvage Youth(PC) 2012; Gameplay Programmer
Misc: A 2.5D platformer/puzzle game built in the Unity Engine. A 11 person of artists, designers, and programmers. Worked with the designers to implement different gameplay systems such as character movement and controls, special abilities, and the resource system.

Merlin's Mazes(Android) 2011; Gameplay/AI, Game Design
Misc: A 2D action/puzzle maze game for the Android platform. Designed the gameplay system, player and enemy behavior, and the levels. Built the preference mapping system used to control both player and enemy pathing and behavior, and the level editor.

Sol Invictus(PC) 2010; Physics Programmer
Misc: A 3D flying game where you take control of a dragon. A 6 person junior project, including artists and programmers, built a impulse based rigid body physics engine using SAT. Designed and implemented several iterations of controls for the dragon.

A Mole New World (PC)  2008-2009; Physics and Audio Programmer, Game Design, Producer
Misc: A 2D side-scrolling platformer focused on digging. It was a 4 person sophomore year project, completed in two semesters. Implemented a 2D physics engine using AABB's. Built the sound engine using FMOD. Designed the story, characters and game mechanics.

Work Experience

Quality Assurance 2008, Host Analytics
Roles: Summer intern, testing their Corporate Performance Management software suit for bugs and stability as well as ensuring correct documentation.

Digipen Institute of Technology, Graduating in Spring 2012
Bachelor of Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation

Favorite Games: Super Smash Bros. Melee, League of Legends, Diablo 2, World of Warcraft, Super Mario World, Magic: The Gathering, Mech Assault, Team Fortress 2, Paper Mario, Unreal Tournament

Other: Competitive level Super Smash Bros. Melee player

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